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Every thought leaves a mark
The most accurate description of what I felt during and after the therapy is complete DELIGHT. I was fascinated with seeing my emotions on the screen and with a fact that they become available to us in a material way. Each emotion has its own frequency and we can see it in a form of a brain wave.
The moment when I had realized the cause of all my life experiences and WHY I was ment to get through them, why I have attracted those specific events….this moment of awareness is unbealivable. I was wondering „Is it really possible that all my emotions are here just because of me, because their source is within me? After I figured out the very cause during the therapy I felt like all the dots of my life got connected, I experienced pure enlightment and finally got a clear picture.
Even more fascinating is a fact that every part of this journey is being recorded, shown in its authentic way, in a form of a wave. When you look it as just a wave, as it is, you are completely stunned – every my taught has left a MARK!
When you learn how your brain works, you can’t stop thinking about it and you figure out that with controling your taughts you can make new emotions which become new waves!! This fact really helped me to understand that my possibilites are endless, so I can choose the ones I like!
Now I choose new thoughts, new marks, new energy. Isn’t that beautiful?