Once again I was convinced that our thoughts and our attitude towards life create our reality…

Before I got pregnant, I was afraid of how I would handle pregnancy physically, how my body would react to giving birth. During pregnancy this fear disappeared completely, and the awareness that the nature took care of everything grew day by day, and even all these medical check-ups became tiring and meaningless. After the initial concern about the development and growth of the child I couldn’t see, there was a growing confidence that the child was all right. But although I had confidence in my body, and believed that my body knew how to give birth I was scared, because of my acquaintances’ stories and experiences, that some of hospital staff will intervene against my will and wishes.

Since I am deeply convinced that our thoughts create our reality, I have decided to try hypnosis. And that’s how Petra came into picture. In our first conversation she helped me realize that a feeling of abandonment was the story of my childhood, but it also repeated itself later in life. The so-called form. At our first meeting, we dug out all the things I was concerned about and about giving birth, my wishes and the needs at the moment…
After that appointment, we met three more times, we have gone through all the details in my life that could resurface from the unconscious at such a delicate moment and affect the childbirth negatively. Among other things, at one treatment we talked about my birth. I think that moment was crucial for me to release the negativity and fear of childbirth. My mother always described my birth as a difficult and negative experience during which she felt bad and very scared. During the treatment, I felt as if my ears were on fire, heat was crawling up my spine and neck to my ears. At the same time I was crying and swallowing tears, like a huge cart full of stale energy got loose: anger and helplessness together. The most important thing for me was to be surrounded by people who support me, to give birth quickly and without complications… and to spend first moments with my baby in a pleasant atmosphere…

The childbirth went perfectly well. My body was doing everything that had to be done, the birth was completely natural, the pain wasn’t even pain, I would describe it more as discomfort, as a necessary transformation; as a transition from one state to another… I felt deep gratitude for the whole course of events, gratitude for the people who were around me, and those who supported me from a distance. I was happy and excited.

Once again I was convinced that our thoughts and our attitude towards life create our reality. I am immensely grateful for the years of yoga that taught me to breathe consciously, the wonderful staff at the Holy Spirit Hospital and Petra who helped me through our encounters to overcome those unconscious currents of our sub consciousness that can trick us in some key moments of life. This time we beat them: Katja and I together.