Awaken from a deep sleep

Mind-blowing ̶ a word that could sum up the experience of therapy in combination with measuring. There are several reasons I recommend it! A human as a rational being unquestionably needs as much evidence as possible to start believing – this therapy empirically demonstrates to each participant there is a higher purpose of our behaviour.

Moreover, participants learn to plunge into the obscured part of themselves, to listen their inner voice and find the solutions for their doubts and life challenges. After I had enlightened the real cause of my difficulties, I changed the perception of my reality which empowered me to live conscious and fulfilling life. Reframing my everyday challenges have never been easier. While I was watching the activity of my brain on a computer screen, at one point it seemed I was awakened from “deep sleep” and became aware of myself. I realized that each of my thought left the mark on my mind and body – positive and negative. I could see how exactly my notions create my reality!

There were no words to describe my surprise, joy, fascination, respect and admiration for my brain, body, soul, nature and evolution. This therapy provided me the scientific insight into my life and the evidence that the enormous network of brain activity in my head is nothing but my reality and life that can be learned to change in a safe way. Once you have been “eye to eye” with your brain, you simply want to learn as much as possible about this extraordinary part of the body and become its best friend. Encountering my Soul is a breath taking and life changing event!

Watching out for changes that are happening in our brain and body while living conscious life, we are witnessing the wonder of nature and becoming active participants in recreation of our reality, our evolution. By revealing my brain and its intrinsic magic, I finally found myself in a real dimension that offers me infinite possibilities because my mind is now easily demonstrable and changeable.