Many of us know something isn’t right in our lives, but we cannot quite identify what it is. Petra will help you identify the root cause of your problems and heal them at their origin in a safe and profound way.
Learn how to love yourself unconditionally and set yourself free from fears, guilt, shame, and remorse so that you can embrace life with love, joy, and an open heart. It’s time to transform the pain from your past into your wisdom and strength.
Your subconscious mind, being 95% of your mind, governs everything in your life. Therefore, to create lasting change you must dive into the realm beyond the conscious mind to identify and change underlying thought patterns and beliefs that keep you trapped and stuck.
Your body keeps the score of everything you ever experienced in your life. It is constantly communicating with you trying to bring your attention to what needs to be healed. Whether to heal at the origin or prevent an illness Petra will guide you to listen to the wisdom of your body, release trapped emotions, set your body, mind, and soul free, and heal in a holistic way.
Throughout your life, you learn, store, and form beliefs and emotions that shape your world and determine your perceptions. Some of them work for you, while some are the cause of your problems and struggles. They all have the potential to serve as your wealth of wisdom, love, and power. Petra is here to help you transform and release the limiting beliefs and emotions and unlock the doorway to your new life.
When your subconscious programs don't work in your favor, your body will start to communicate this with you. At the beginning, it will whisper, and if you don't listen to it, it will have to start to get louder and louder. Due to living in today's pace of modern life, but also due to fear of what we might find out, we tend to ignore bodily messages and numb our pain. Ignoring and numbing it won't make it go away. Quite the contrary - it will make your body, mind, and life fall apart. Don't wait. Let Petra guide you on a safe, loving, and healing journey of setting your body and life free.
When your subconscious programs don't work in your favor, your body will start to communicate this with you. At the beginning, it will whisper, and if you don't listen to it, it will have to start to get louder and louder. Due to living in today's pace of modern life, but also due to fear of what we might find out, we tend to ignore bodily messages and numb our pain. Ignoring and numbing it won't make it go away. Quite the contrary - it will make your body, mind, and life fall apart. Don't wait. Let Petra guide you on a safe, loving, and healing journey of setting your body and life free.
Everything is correlated. Your body, mind, and soul are one, and your life always reflects your internal state. In order to change and heal your life, one must dive deep within. We can't heal one aspect of ourselves or our lives unless we heal on all other levels simultaneously. Healing on a subconscious and soul level brings healing of your mind, body, and life. Petra has the unique gift of bridging realms and bringing healing on all levels. Let her show you the way to your own healing.
Each week of the program new chapter opens. During live healing and coaching sessions with Petra, you will learn step by step how to uncover and align your energy core, discover and change your subconscious limiting beliefs, release trapped emotions, heal your past, and start living your life aligned with your soul’s purpose.
Through clear instructions, practical exercises, direct guidance and meditations, you will be able to immerse yourself in each energy centre and discover the wisdom they hold about yourself and your relationship to the world. This little encyclopedia of knowledge is your guide to the source and solution.
In this chapter, you will discover:
In the second chapter, you learn:
In the third chapter 3, you learn:
In chapter four, you learn:
In chapter five, you learn:
In chapter six, you learn:
In chapter seven, you learn:
In chapter eight, you learn:
A premium guide to your own personal healing.
Learn the cause of everything happening in your life by understanding the correlation between your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, behaviors, struggles and your past experiences, bridge the gap between your mind and body, heal your past by healing your subconscious mind, enjoy the present and learn how to create a desired future.
Golden Package Details
In addition to the Golden package take a step further and dive deeper in the process of transformation and healing by having weekly coaching and healing sessions.
Platinum Package Details
In addition to the Platinum package, take a step further and dive deeper in the process of transformation and healing by transcending the boundaries of your mind and body. Remember yourself as the soul you are and embark on a journey of a lifetime – a journey into your soul.
Diamond Package Details
1. 6 x Advanced Holistic Healing hypnotherapy sessions 3h
2. 1 x Journey Into Other Lifetimes regression therapy session 3h
3. 1 x Life Between Lives session 4-6h
Petra Brzovic is an intuitive therapist with a strong background and certifications in a range of disciplines including hypnotherapy, regression therapy, yoga, trauma work, mind and body medicine, holistic healing and life between lives therapy. She conducts workshops, seminars and retreats all over the world as a result of her long-standing experience in working as an intuitive therapist and a yoga teacher – they are a fusion of various healing techniques making them unique and liberating.
As Master Trainer and Instructor Petra is training and teaching therapists around the world, helping them learn how to help others heal. She also actively participates at Body & Mind conferences, seminars and training, follows the latest research in the field of medicine of the mind and body, and passionately researches the consciousness, and correlation between brain, body and soul with an international team of scientists and doctors.