8-Week Online Holistic Healing Program with Petra Brzović

Heal and transform your body, mind and soul under Petra's direct guidance in an 8-week online program designed to help you to set yourself free and create the life you want!

If you feel trapped and chained to a certain type of life experience, this program will help you break free of your past so you can create a new reality filled with success, joy and healing.

Bring Light to Shadow Areas

Many of us know something isn’t right in our lives, but we cannot quite identify what it is. Petra will help you identify the root cause of your problems and heal them at their origin in a safe and profound way.

The Key to True & Lasting Change

Learn how to love yourself unconditionally and set yourself free from fears, guilt, shame, and remorse so that you can embrace life with love, joy, and an open heart. It’s time to transform the pain from your past into your wisdom and strength.

Overcome Your Mind’s Barriers

Your subconscious mind, being 95% of your mind, governs everything in your life. Therefore, to create lasting change you must dive into the realm beyond the conscious mind to identify and change underlying thought patterns and beliefs that keep you trapped and stuck.

Setting your Body Free from your past

Your body keeps the score of everything you ever experienced in your life. It is constantly communicating with you trying to bring your attention to what needs to be healed. Whether to heal at the origin or prevent an illness Petra will guide you to listen to the wisdom of your body, release trapped emotions, set your body, mind, and soul free, and heal in a holistic way.

Let’s get to work!
Check out Petra’s message below:

Rediscover Yourself:

A unique opportunity to work personally with Petra and heal your body, mind, soul, and life!

Tap into

Your Unique Inner Wisdom

Throughout your life, you learn, store, and form beliefs and emotions that shape your world and determine your perceptions. Some of them work for you, while some are the cause of your problems and struggles. They all have the potential to serve as your wealth of wisdom, love, and power. Petra is here to help you transform and release the limiting beliefs and emotions and unlock the doorway to your new life.

Your Body is Your Ally

When your subconscious programs don't work in your favor, your body will start to communicate this with you. At the beginning, it will whisper, and if you don't listen to it, it will have to start to get louder and louder. Due to living in today's pace of modern life, but also due to fear of what we might find out, we tend to ignore bodily messages and numb our pain. Ignoring and numbing it won't make it go away. Quite the contrary - it will make your body, mind, and life fall apart. Don't wait. Let Petra guide you on a safe, loving, and healing journey of setting your body and life free.

Your Body is Your Ally

When your subconscious programs don't work in your favor, your body will start to communicate this with you. At the beginning, it will whisper, and if you don't listen to it, it will have to start to get louder and louder. Due to living in today's pace of modern life, but also due to fear of what we might find out, we tend to ignore bodily messages and numb our pain. Ignoring and numbing it won't make it go away. Quite the contrary - it will make your body, mind, and life fall apart. Don't wait. Let Petra guide you on a safe, loving, and healing journey of setting your body and life free.

A Holistic Approach to Healing and Wellbeing

Everything is correlated. Your body, mind, and soul are one, and your life always reflects your internal state. In order to change and heal your life, one must dive deep within. We can't heal one aspect of ourselves or our lives unless we heal on all other levels simultaneously. Healing on a subconscious and soul level brings healing of your mind, body, and life. Petra has the unique gift of bridging realms and bringing healing on all levels. Let her show you the way to your own healing.

An intimate & fully guided transformational experience

Each week of the program new chapter opens. During live healing and coaching sessions with Petra, you will learn step by step how to uncover and align your energy core, discover and change your subconscious limiting beliefs, release trapped emotions, heal your past, and start living your life aligned with your soul’s purpose.

This hands-on program leads you through these 8 steps:

Through clear instructions, practical exercises, direct guidance and meditations, you will be able to immerse yourself in each energy centre and discover the wisdom they hold about yourself and your relationship to the world. This little encyclopedia of knowledge is your guide to the source and solution.

Chapter 1: A holistic approach to life

In this chapter, you will discover:

  • why to heal and transform our lives we have to heal our minds, bodies, and souls
  • biochemical connection of thoughts, feelings, and bodily systems
  • ⁠how beliefs get formed and how and why they govern our lives
  • ⁠why is illness a reflection of past and current experiences and what we must do to heal
  • correlation of your past experiences and current struggles in your life
  • ⁠how is childhood shaping your life today
  • ⁠how do we inherit beliefs, feelings, and traumas from our parents and ancestors
  • ⁠basics of all energy centers
  • ⁠healing techniques for the beginning of your healing journey

Chapter 2: Security and Stability

In the second chapter, you learn:

  • the fundamental importance of the first energy center for healing our bodies and lives
  • ⁠how lack of love, rejection, and abandonment in early years shape your sense of security and stability today
  • ⁠how does your birth experience affect your life
  • ⁠how your parents’ living in lack, poverty, or fear shapes your beliefs about life, safety, money, relationships
  • ⁠how to set yourself free from fear and build firm, healthy foundations for safety in your life
  • ⁠correlations of this energy center with imbalance of your body (bones, teeth, hips, lower back, spine, bowel…)
  • many therapeutic practices for healing this center
  • ⁠healing your inner child and installing a sense of safety
  • bringing stability to this core center with a deep guided meditation

Chapter 3: Pleasure and Joy

In the third chapter 3, you learn:

  • how this center is connected with pleasure, joy, creativity, sexuality, and flexibility in life
  • what beliefs, emotions, and traumas are hidden here⁠
  • ⁠how does your upbringing affect your ability to enjoy pleasure
  • why you might fear change and what you can do to embrace it
  • ⁠how and why is guilt preventing you from enjoying life
  • ⁠how to awaken your sexuality
  • how to set yourself free from guilt
  • what your relationship with food says about you
  • correlation of this energy center with imbalance of your body (reproductive system, knees, hips, bladder, kidneys, lower back, blood, lymph…)
  • ⁠many healing practices for healing this center
  • how to connect with the source of your creation, joy, and pleasure
  • ⁠how to bring fluidity to this center with a deep guided meditation

Chapter 4: Power and Action

In chapter four, you learn:

  • how you can transform your mistakes into lessons and wisdom
  • ⁠how being raised by authoritarian parents or teachers is governing the way you criticize yourself today
  • ⁠how to make your inner critic your ally
  • ⁠what beliefs, emotions, and traumas are hidden here
  • ⁠why is shame blocking this energy center and how to release it
  • where your authentic power resides and how to reclaim it
  • how to set yourself free from being a control freak
  • how to form safe boundaries
  • how and when to say NO
  • how to stop procrastinating and become proactive
  • ⁠correlation of this energy center with imbalance of your body (digestive system, pancreas, liver, stomach, middle back…)
  • ⁠many healing practices for healing this center
  • how to awaken your power and ignite action in this center with a deep guided meditation

Chapter 5: Love and Forgiveness

In chapter five, you learn:

  • what true love means
  • ⁠why any relationship in your life is a reflection of the love you have for yourself
  • ⁠how to heal a broken heart
  • ⁠how to heal relationships with yourself and others
  • ⁠how to create a loving romantic relationship
  • how to forgive yourself and others
  • how to love yourself
  • how to heal sadness, remorse, loss, and grief
  • what events and traumas affect this center and close your heart
  • ⁠how to open your heart in a safe way
  • ⁠correlation of this energy center with the imbalance of your body (heart, lungs, chest, breasts, shoulders, arms, hands, upper back…)
  • ⁠many healing practices for healing this energy center
  • how to reconnect with your heart and listen to it, cultivating love with deep guided meditation

Chapter 6: Expression and Creativity

In chapter six, you learn:

  • correlation of this energy center and the ability to freely live your life aligned with your purpose
  • ⁠why authoritarian upbringing might cause you to lose your ability to speak up for yourself
  • how to express what you feel and think⁠
  • what your voice says about you
  • how to be heard
  • how to express yourself and stand up for yourself
  • correlation of this energy center with imbalance of your body (throat, neck, mouth, ears, thyroid, voice…)
  • ⁠many healing practices for healing this energy center
  • ⁠how to unleash your voice with deep guided meditation

Chapter 7: Vision and Intuition

In chapter seven, you learn:

  • how to develop your intuition
  • how your intuition can guide you through life
  • what practices help the development of this center
  • what blocks it and how to clear it
  • ⁠correlation of this energy center with imbalance of your body (eyes, head, brain, dreams…)
  • how to start listening to your intuition with practical exercises and introspective tasks
  • ⁠how to strengthen your intuition with vivid guided meditation

Chapter 8: Connection and Faith

In chapter eight, you learn:

  • how to connect with your soul self
  • how you are creating your reality
  • about the wondrous quantum field and endless possibilities of life
  • how to learn to let go and surrender
  • ⁠correlation of this energy center with the imbalance of your body
  • ⁠practical exercises to help you live like the amazingly powerful, infinite being that you are
  • how to explore endless possibilities with a deep guided meditation and create the life you desire

For anyone who feels ready for the long awaited CHANGE, for those who just don’t want to settle with ‘good enough’ but want ‘GREAT’ in any area of their life, for those who feel lost or stuck and don’t have a clue what they want as well as for the ones who know exactly where they want to be but don’t know HOW to get there…I couldn’t recommend this program enough. Petra’s guidance is so gentle, loving, subtle, yet SO powerful. I am forever grateful for this experience."


Petra is an absolutely amazing coach, therapist and a heartwarming, caring person. She leads by example and although she is highly professional she always makes you feel like we are all alike and on the same path.”

Barbara Jedovnicky

I came into this program feeling incredibly lost and suffering from constant panic attacks and anxiety. After trying so many modalities over the years, I became afraid of my own body and all that was trying to come up and release. Petra’s program was perfectly laid out from day one and most importantly, she was so kind, caring and gentle and made sure that I am seen, heard and on track at all times. Petras amazing generosity and kind heart, along with her skills, knowledge and experience has created such an amazing program that leaves nothing uncovered! Thank you so much Petra for servicing humanity in such a wonderful, nurturing way!"

Livia Macdonald

Wow!! What a ride!!! This program has led me on an incredible journey of personal transformation. The weekly catch ups to share my experiences combined with powerful meditations, therapy sessions and profoundly reflective homework has provided me with the time and space to deeply heal some of the traumas that have been holding me back in life. Petra guided me through the experience from a space of love, compassion and strength. It has been one of the best things I have done to connect me with my soul and to rediscover my true purpose for being here on Earth, to clear away so many old patterns and programs so I can get to the truth of who I am. I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity to have learnt from such a powerful and loving teacher."

Gabe Morahan

Petra is one of the most heart centred people I have met and am fortunate to be connected with. She is selfless in her guidance and spiritual teaching of others. Petra carries and shares her wisdom, combination of science and transcendental knowledge in most humble ways. Petra is a true healer and I cannot recommend her enough to anyone seeking spiritual growth, personal freedom and peace."

Alja Hopkins

Heal your Mind, Body & Soul Offer Packages



Heal your Mind
& Body

A premium guide to your own personal healing.

Learn the cause of everything happening in your life by understanding the correlation between your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, behaviors, struggles and your past experiences, bridge the gap between your mind and body, heal your past by healing your subconscious mind, enjoy the present and learn how to create a desired future.

Golden Package Details

  • PROGRAM LENGHT: 2 months
  • PERSONALIZED COACHING and HEALING HYPNOTHERAPY journey sessions completely adjusted to your needs - 4 x 3h sessions (one session every 2 weeks)
  • VIDEO SESSIONS: 80+ hours of material
  • WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS homework for every week
  • MEDITATIONS: 8 meditations (one meditation tailored for each week to support your transformational and healing journey)
  • Exclusive and private WhatsApp chat support throughout the whole duration of the program with Petra


Heal your Mind & Body - Advanced

In addition to the Golden package take a step further and dive deeper in the process of transformation and healing by having weekly coaching and healing sessions.

Platinum Package Details

  • PROGRAM LENGHT: 2 months
  • PERSONALIZED COACHING and HEALING HYPNOTHERAPY journey sessions completely adjusted to your needs - 6 x 3h sessions (one session every week)
  • VIDEO SESSIONS: 80+ hours of material
  • WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: homework for every week
  • MEDITATIONS: 8 meditations (one meditation tailored for each week to support your transformational and healing journey)
  • Exclusive and private WhatsApp chat support throughout the whole duration of the program with Petra


Heal your Mind, Body
& Soul

In addition to the Platinum package, take a step further and dive deeper in the process of transformation and healing by transcending the boundaries of your mind and body. Remember yourself as the soul you are and embark on a journey of a lifetime – a journey into your soul.

Diamond Package Details

  • PROGRAM LENGHT: 2 months

1. 6 x Advanced Holistic Healing hypnotherapy sessions 3h

2. 1 x Journey Into Other Lifetimes regression therapy session 3h

3. 1 x Life Between Lives session 4-6h


  • VIDEO SESSIONS: 80+ hours of material
  • WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: homework for every week
  • MEDITATIONS: 8 meditations (one meditation tailored for each week to support your transformational and healing journey)
  • Exclusive and private WhatsApp chat support throughout the whole duration of the program with Petra

The Most Private & Intimate Healing & Coaching Program

Now is the time to start taking a holistic approach to change your reality!

About Petra

Petra Brzovic

Petra Brzovic is an intuitive therapist with a strong background and certifications in a range of disciplines including hypnotherapy, regression therapy, yoga, trauma work, mind and body medicine, holistic healing and life between lives therapy. She conducts workshops, seminars and retreats all over the world as a result of her long-standing experience in working as an intuitive therapist and a yoga teacher – they are a fusion of various healing techniques making them unique and liberating.

As Master Trainer and Instructor Petra is training and teaching therapists around the world, helping them learn how to help others heal. She also actively participates at Body & Mind conferences, seminars and training, follows the latest research in the field of medicine of the mind and body, and passionately researches the consciousness, and correlation between brain, body and soul with an international team of scientists and doctors.